Saturday, October 3, 2015

Don't Try This At Home

Jon and I decided we wanted to knock out some miles even though I had to work Friday. He picked me up at 4:00 PM in Aurora, CO and we pointed the truck to Richfield, UT. It was the worst drive of the trip. There was traffic out of Denver, a little rain, miles of construction, and hills. Lots and lots of hills. Many of them required 3rd gear in the Ranger. My advice to anyone contemplating a 500 mile drive through the Rockies at night is - don't. We got in around 12:30 and passed out. At some point we ate some Arby's and bought expensive gas. It turns out that the gas station next to the "No Services Next 106 Miles" can charge whatever they want. Go figure.

There are some pretty interesting town names out here. Floy, UT is a real place. Danish Fist, UT is not. Danish Flat is, but in the dark I swear I read Danish Fist.

On the plus side, I-70 in Utah has mostly 80 MPH speed limits and we didn't hit a deer, despite several warnings to look out for them. Also, based on the current state of the windshield, we've made a real dent in the insect population in the mountain states.

I think we've reached the point in the week when it's just about getting this done.

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