Sunday, September 27, 2015

Load Up

I got some much-needed sleep, and mom and I headed over to the Sherwood Shoppe for breakfast. 
If you can get past the pretentious spelling of the their name, this place makes a good breakfast. They also sell bait.
They have great muffins, so I had to eat one. If Elissa is reading this, she is now irritated that she didn't get one. Her irritation will hopefully be reduced by the fact that since they were out of cinnamon apple, we had to eat blueberry. I'm also fairly certain that if I brought it home it would be completely disgusting by the time I got there. 
We spent the morning organizing and getting everything outside for loading. I grabbed Jon at the Lee Premium Outlets, which I never knew was a standard stop on the Peter Pan bus route from Springfield to Albany. He stocked up on Coke Zero for the trip and we headed out to Becket. The run into Lee gave me a chance to put a few miles on mom's SL. It was actually warm enough to put the top down on way home. At the house, Jon perused my musical acquisitions and declared them "less obscure than he expected." I'm a little disappointed with myself for that.

We got to work loading, and it wasn't too bad. I even managed to fit dad's banjos, which I swear I'll learn to play. 
There's still room for our luggage and nothing is in the cab yet. As I write this, I'm surrounded by a few odds and ends that will be added early tomorrow morning, and then we're off to Rochester. 
I'll add a few notes here about my experiences blogging thus far. Since my laptop broke shortly before leaving, I have my IS department's floating loaner. It has almost no software installed, and the wrong security settings, so I can't install any. Among other things, it has no image editing software of any kind. Even the Windows photo editor is missing, which seems impossible. I'm also stuck with IE, and Blogger's photo upload system doesn't seem to agree with it. I have been using my iPad with some success, but was still having trouble with adding photos. Turns out I'm kind of an idiot and didn't think to look for a Blogger app. I got that sorted, but had also decided to shoot pictures on a real camera rather than my phone, which led to some complications since it isn't easy to get images from a camera to an iPad. Unless of course you have a card reader that plugs into the iPad. Jon does, which seemed like a great solution, until we realized it was for the old Apple connector. Mom came up with an adapter that she uses on one of her docking stations, and we finally got the whole thing working. I hope all 9 of you reading this are enjoying it. I've been tearing my hair out.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am really enjoying this. You're channeling your personality in writing amazingly, which isn't altogether surprising, of course, but I've never read your writing until now.

    As an IT guy, the last little bit about the lame laptop was painful to read. Glad it got sorted out...

  3. We may be small in number, but we are exceptional in our enthusiasm.
