Friday, September 25, 2015

The Premise

Once again, Jon Baum and I will be traversing the country. We did this once before, and after 15 years or so, we had both recovered sufficiently (or forgotten enough details) to repeat the adventure. This time around though, it will be a little less Cannonball Run and a little more Travels With Charley. Of course, in that scenario Jon is the dog. Last time around, we had one of these: 

This time, we have this:

They are both red. That's pretty much the sum total of their similarities. I had a whole bunch of stuff at my mom's house in Massachusetts that I didn't know was there, and it turned out I wanted to keep a lot of it. Since I'm in California, there were some challenges with getting it all home. If you're reading this, you probably have some insight into how my brain works, so you can see how buying a 14-year-old truck with 130,000 miles on it and driving my stuff across the country was the only reasonable way I could find to deal with the problem.

I'll post once a day or so to let you all know where we've been and what we've eaten. I may very occasionally come up with something more interesting, but don't count on it. I'm basically doing this so Elissa, my kids, and all the people that have asked "You're doing what? In a what?" can follow along on what passes for an adventure when you're a 40-year-old suburban dad.

I'll head to the airport in a bit to catch a red eye to NY, ride up to Northampton with Cate, and head over to my mom's Saturday afternoon. We start driving Monday. There will be a brief stop in Rochester, then on to Cleveland for an overnight, and we'll spend a night or two in Denver at the end of the week. Other suggestions for stops, food, or meetups welcome.

Oh and for those of you who care, car 1 is a 2000 Audi S4. Not actually mine, but same color etc. Thanks to the car lot I borrowed the picture from. The truck is a 2001 Ford Ranger, and that one actually is mine.

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